Cupar Province Bonspiel 2023-24 season
The Cupar Province Bonspiel was held at Perth Curling Rink on the evening of Thursday 7th December 2023.
10 Province clubs took part and, generally, it was a close run thing on most of the sheets with Ceres and Abdie actually tying on 9 points each. The winner would be decided on points scored and betwen the eventual 2nd placed club and the 9th placed club there was only a difference of 5 points!
The runaway winners, however, were Leuchars who bucked the 'close fought' trend and secured 18 points over their opponents, Cupar.
The scorecards were completed as follows:
Leuchars 18 Cupar 1
Stratheden 11 Pitlessie 9
Forret 11 Falkland 8
Ceres 9 Abdie 9
Rothes 7 Abdie 6
Well done all!
The record of recent winners and their score is:
2013 winners Rothes CC +15 shots up
2014 winners Rothes CC +17 shots up
2015 winners Forret CC +19 shots up
2016 winners Forret CC +17 shots up
2017 winners Forret CC +27 shots up
2018 winners Rothes CC +17 shots up
2019 winners Abdie CC +13 shots up
2021 winners C’ford Priory +20 shots up
2022 winners Newport CC 15 shots scored
2023 winners Leuchars CC 18 shots scored